As is true in many facets of daily life, women are the gatekeepers for health. They most often provide care, knowledge, counsel and stewardship of the health of those in their families and communities. If you elevate women’s health, you elevate everyone in her reach.

But why then is there such a prominent gap between the health of women and men worldwide? 

“Women live longer than men, but they spend 25 percent more of that time in poor health…” states a 2024 McKinsey report.

Globally, this is a “$1 trillion economic opportunity,” according to McKinsey, “to improve lives and economies. Investments addressing the women’s health gap could add years to life and life to years—and potentially boost the global economy by $1 trillion annually by 2040.”

A critical factor, according to this report is to understand that women’s health is distinct from men’s. Specific investment in women will have the most significant return.

Consider that addressing this gap could result in an estimated 137 million women working in full-time positions by 2040, lifting women out of poverty and allowing them the economic resources to improve the lives of their families and children. 

We at Barefoot College International are well-positioned to contribute significantly to this impact in 2025. Women’s health has already been a point of focus within our ENRICH programs that have grown in importance in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. ENRICH co-curriculum runs parallel to technical training for all female solar engineers, and covers digital and financial literacy, health and reproductive health, civil and human rights, sustainability, microenterprise formation, and customized livelihood skills that are determined according to local needs. So as we move forward in 2025, we look ahead to elevating women’s health in the communities and countries where we work with innovative growth and expansion of our women’s health offerings. 

During our 2025 women’s health initiative, women in our circle of influence will see dramatic improvements in their personal health, through disease prevention, education and empowerment. They will each be a force of change within their homes and communities, collectively elevating health in the communities we serve. 

A New Level of Impact Through ENRICH+ 

We’ve learned this year through our work to grow our impact around our regional centers in Africa, that ENRICH serves as an entry point of connection for many women and their communities. 

Our focus on ensuring ENRICH is delivered both in concert with full solar engineering training and as a separate, ENRICH-only precursor is an important part of BCI’s overall strategy. 

The ENRICHE co-curriculum runs parallel to technical training for all female solar engineers, and covers digital and financial literacy, health and reproductive health, civil and human rights, sustainability, microenterprise formation, and customized livelihood skills that are determined according to local needs. 

ENRICH-only training typically takes only 1-2 months and can be conducted in pop-up form on-site for some livelihoods. The overall effect of this progression is to improve lives by providing the tools for communities to become self-sufficient, equal and autonomous 

One Action Today, Will Elevate the Health of Women Tomorrow

BCI  has grown globally over the past years, and especially in Africa, to meet the worldwide demand for our programs and to better position ourselves to efficiently meet the needs of rural poor and remote communities that we partner with around the planet. 

In short, we help people to live better, happier and more fulfilled lives for the long-term, with self-owned solar electrification as the fulcrum for this developmental shift upwards. 

A key part of creating real growth is ensuring that self-sufficiency and agency are at the heart of transformations for rurally poor communities. 

As we begin 2025 your giving will spur our new initiatives for women’s health. You can donate easily with a couple of clicks here. Join us to elevate women’s health and in so doing make communities healthy, happier and more sustainable.