Category: Enriche

Updates from our Sikkim Training Centre, Part 1
Plenty of Action at the Sikkim Training Centre   Our recent report from SWRC Saddam, Sikkim training campus shared a slew of recent news with the Barefoot College family. Classes began in early 2020, and...
Enriche Bazaar 2020
Story shared with us by our Enriche Barefoot team in Tilonia, Rajasthan.   Bird’s eye view of the Bazaar’s attendees “It takes a village to raise a child” at Barefoot College, it takes many such...
Education, Empowerment and a Coffee Business
     Systemic structures claim to offer society stability and safety, but they can also limit people to a status quo that stunts our ability to follow personal dreams and aspirations. It may even result...
Laxmi's Letter of Gratitude
Translated from original excerpts written in Hindi by Laxmi ji “My name is Lakshmi Sharma. I am from the village Tilonia, in Ajmer district. I have studied till class 9th. From a very young age...
'We will enjoy, but on one condition' | A Story of Newfound Liberty
Written by Manu, Barefoot Enriche Training Coordinator My first Enriche workshop with the new batch of the international Solar Mamas from Myanmar, Afghanistan and Madagascar. I experienced a deja vu, which left me with so...
Rocking Nani's Journey - A Success Story
Written by Manu, Barefoot Enriche Training Coordinator She is from a last-mile village in Madhya Pradesh and came for six months training at Barefoot College, Rajasthan. It must have been one of the very few...
Challenging Patriarchy, One Workshop at a Time
All women should be given the opportunity to reach their potential and fulfil their aspirations. As women, we relish in sharing our experiences with companions and relating to one-another, solidifying our own understanding of feminine...
Frontier MarketsSolarEnriche
For Women, By Women
For Women, By Women Two leaders create entrepreneurship solutions for sustainable energy Sometimes you meet someone who you realise could finish your sentences, whose spark and energy rivals your own. That is how Barefoot’s CEO...
B. Barefoot Honey is a Sweet Statement
In the simplest terms, bees are great for the planet. In more complex terms, bees are great for women aspiring to rise out of poverty through vibrant businesses that are good for the planet as...
Female Genital Mutilation & Breaking Traditions
By Manu Singh, Barefoot College ENRICHE Master Trainer Ending my workshop today left me with a mixed feeling of happiness and sadness. We were discussing the female reproductive system, a workshop where our rural women...



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