Category: Livelihood

Period Poverty and Our Solution
Menstruation is a monthly occurrence for 1.8 billion people of reproductive age worldwide, yet it remains an unavoidable fact that millions of them are denied access to practical, sanitary and dignified solutions for their periods. ...
Enterprise solutions for global poverty
You can’t address a complex problem with a linear solution. You need a network. Through our growing partnerships with corporations and foundations committed to global change for the betterment of all, we’ve expanded our impact...
B. Barefoot Coffee wakes up economic opportunity
Bold taste. Strong impact. With these simple outcomes, B. Barefoot Coffee is creating enterprise opportunities for the rural poor. While still in a prototype phase, coffee production and sales are underway. Coffee grown in Andhra...
The Spirit of the Desert
Barefoot Photographs by Stella Morielli and Shweta Rao Aurora festival, 4-6 July 2014, Pienza, Italy People from the desert of Rajasthan, India have lived for centuries in this beautifully tough surroundings. No matter how harsh...
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon addresses World Energy Congress 2013
Source: World Energy Congress On the closing day of the World Energy Congress, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon reaffirmed his pledge to provide one billion people across the globe access to sustainable energy by 2030....
Barefoot College: Rural women revolutionize sustainable development
W4 is proud to feature the innovative work of Barefoot College—which, for over two decades now, has been harnessing rural women’s capabilities as change-makers in India! In a remote village on the scorched plains of...
In pictures: Villagers' Barefoot College
No training. It is a photographic exhibition with a difference. These pictures were taken by villagers from the Indian state of Rajasthan. Most were illiterate, untrained in photography using simple cameras lent or given to...
Solar Mamas is among the first films to receive the Hilton Worldwide...
Watch Jehane Noujaim Verder liggen alle nummers anders op?het roulettewiel . and Mona Eldaief share their experiences in creating this film.
The women of India's Barefoot College bring light to remote village
Securing the end of her bright yellow and orange sari firmly around her head, Santosh Devi climbs up to the rooftop of her house to clean her solar panels. The shining, mirrored panels, which she...



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