Category: Partnerships

DP WorldSolar
Mariatou's Mission to Bring Light to Her Community
After her husband became ill, Mariatou’s dreams were on hold. Now, she’s a confident solar engineer ready to transform her village. Here’s her story. Mariatou is one of the most recent women solar engineers to...
Partnership Spotlight: Art Aid
Art Aid Partners with Barefoot College International Australian artist enterprise Art Aid has partnered with us and many other humanitarian organizations to connect art sales to the direct support of beneficial humanitarian causes. Each time...
COVID Relief Response - Our Outstanding Partnerships
Successful Partnerships Expand Our Reach As the 1st phase of our CBO relief work partnerships comes to successful completion, we look toward the 2nd operational phase that will innoculate over the coming months. We are...
Starbucks Foundation
The Starbucks Foundation Partners with Barefoot College
For International Women’s Day, Barefoot celebrates its beneficiaries, a successful partnership and the launch of a brilliant film, which exemplifies the two   Barefoot College International and The Starbucks Foundation initiated a 3-year partnership as of...
Great PlainsSolar
Great Plains’ Solar Mammas Set to Light the Way with Solar in Their Rural Villages
Press Release Together, Great Plains and Barefoot College have trained 9 women from Botswana to become Solar Mamas The nine women from rural Botswana left their homes in August last year. They traveled all the...
Credit Suisse
Credit Suisse India Volunteers at Barefoot College
3 Days. 8 visitors from Credit Suisse India. An eye-opening experience for volunteers and Barefoot staff alike. When Credit Suisse planned to visit Barefoot College’s main campus in Tilonia, Rajasthan, they made arrangements with few...
Hogan Lovells
Solar Lantern Workshop Hosted at SDG Festival of Action 2019
Solar Lantern Workshop a Bright Success This May saw the fourth annual SDG Festival of Action in Bonn, Germany, and to participate some of our Barefoot team members coordinated with our long-standing partners Hogan Lovells...
Hogan Lovells
Barefoot College Participates in the Fourth SDG Global Festival of Action
Climate Change ripples into all aspects of our lives. It affects everything from rural livelihoods to urban infrastructure. Understanding the magnitude of its existing and potential consequences becomes a gateway to the perception of how...
Islamic Development Bank
Investing in Women is Investing in Sustainability
A Global Responsibility As the gravity of Climate Change becomes globally implicit, governments must respond with realistic efforts to reduce their dependency on unsustainable practises. In the Global South, the regions which are forecast to...
Surprise Field trip to see Rajasthani Royals with schoolchildren from Shikshaniketan
There are over 750 million people on Earth who are illiterate. Short-term, this amounts to restricted opportunities in the workplace. Long-term, it results in cyclical poverty, spanning generations as the probability of their children learning...



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