Category: Gov of India

Gov of India
TO ARRANGE PURCHASE FOR SUPPLY, INSTALLATION & COMMISSIONING OF 45.0 KW SOLAR POWER PLANTS TENDER No. SWRC/SPP-45.0KW/2017-18/160617 Bidders can access the tender on our web portal  
Gov of IndiaSolarEnriche
The Launch of our Pacific Women’s Barefoot Solar Initiative
  Suva, Fiji, August 16 2016— The Government of India and Barefoot College International commenced a historic Pacific Regional Initiative to address climate change, disaster mitigation, gender inequality, children’s education outcomes, women’s health outcomes and the development of...
Gov of IndiaCommunicationsSolar
Solar Mamas of Africa to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his visit to Tanzania
Barefoot College International and The Solar Mamas of Africa to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi on visit to Tanzania Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, July 9, 2016 Barefoot College International confirmed today that 32 Solar Mamas...



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