Two women led organizations have combined solar technology and income growth to create a dynamic opportunity for rural women rising out of generational poverty. As the call for gender mainstreaming in energy access mounts ,...
Category: Partnerships
First published in cityAM Authored by: Yasmin Waljee OBE, International pro bono director, London @ Hogan Lovells. How can we help women in the developing world rise out of poverty and achieve gender equality? For Barefoot...
September 12, 2017
TO ARRANGE PURCHASE FOR SUPPLY, INSTALLATION & COMMISSIONING OF 45.0 KW SOLAR POWER PLANTS TENDER No. SWRC/SPP-45.0KW/2017-18/160617 Bidders can access the tender on our web portal
July 24, 2017
Hogan Lovells has made a three year commitment to help our mission reach more beneficiaries. They’ve done this by providing Pro Bono legal advice, community investment volunteering, and financial support. We’re very grateful to them...
June 30, 2017
Princeton President Christopher L. Eisgruber honored Barefoot College Founder Sanjit “Bunker” Roy with a doctor of laws degree yesterday, Tuesday June 6th. “His activism and ingenuity have transformed some of India’s poorest communities, bringing...
June 7, 2017
Village society (or any society) can not progress without having equal opportunity to participate in a wholesome education. In the state of Rajasthan, India we find the highest disparity in Primary School attendance. Of all the girls eligible to...
LONDON, 8th March 2017 – Hogan Lovells is pleased to announce the completion of the first phase of its partnership with The Barefoot College, jointly celebrated with International Women’s Day. Since announcing the partnership, the...
March 8, 2017
Working in 4 Rajasthani villages, resident SBI Fellow, Dr. Monalisa Padhee noticed a high prevalence of undernourishment, in particular anemia (lack of iron). While GOI has dedicated programs to alleviate intergenerational cycles of poor health,...
Suva, Fiji, August 16 2016— The Government of India and Barefoot College International commenced a historic Pacific Regional Initiative to address climate change, disaster mitigation, gender inequality, children’s education outcomes, women’s health outcomes and the development of...
August 22, 2016
20,000 Suns: Hogan Lovells Empowers Women to Bring Solar Light to 34 Countries with Barefoot College 10 July 2016 Hogan Lovells is partnering with Barefoot College and the Government of India to train 400 women...