Category: Videos

Mary Robinson: "The future will be damned if we don't act now."
Women as Leaders When Ireland’s former President Mary Robinson ran for office, she wanted to show that it wasn’t just possible- it was an advantage to be a woman in an important position. She believed that...
Madagascar Grandmas Are Solar Revolutionaries
Not having access to electricity, life in Ambakivao, Madagascar was dark. A group of grandmothers decided to change that, bringing light to their community by becoming the village’s first solar engineers. With the help of...
Hogan Lovells
Barefoot College featured in Flip The Switch, the film
It is with tremendous excitement we release a new trailer about an upcoming documentary film featuring our work here at Barefoot College. The film is part of our three year partnership with Hogan Lovells to...
CEO of Barefoot College Reveals Her Day to Day Lifestyle
People often wonder how residents of Barefoot College, including its CEO live on a day to day basis. Thankfully the good people at GreenVaders, a french eco-blog, put together the following interview when the two...
Myanmar's Solar Sisters
In 2017 we embarked on a mission with WWF Myanmar to send 5 women to travel to our desert campus in Rajasthan. Witness their lifestyle before and after their journey to a distant place.  ...
B. Barefoot Honey is a Sweet Statement
In the simplest terms, bees are great for the planet. In more complex terms, bees are great for women aspiring to rise out of poverty through vibrant businesses that are good for the planet as...
B. Barefoot Coffee wakes up economic opportunity
Bold taste. Strong impact. With these simple outcomes, B. Barefoot Coffee is creating enterprise opportunities for the rural poor. While still in a prototype phase, coffee production and sales are underway. Coffee grown in Andhra...
Hogan LovellsSolarEnriche
The Power Of Purposeful Business Catches On
The power of purposeful business catches on Being a great business is not just about making money any more. Consumers around the world have demanded more. Stand for something. Make more than money. Make a...
The Power of Cross-Learning | TEDx UWCMC
On April 9th 2017, a Tedx event, titled “Borders AborTED”, was held for the first time by the students of the Mahindra United World College (UWCMC). It saw the presence of eight alumni, among which...



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