Women as Leaders

When Ireland’s former President Mary Robinson ran for office, she wanted to show that it wasn’t just possible- it was an advantage to be a woman in an important position. She believed that as a woman, her knowledge and skills would help her do a better job.

In a Laura Flanders interview at the Bellagio Women’s Leadership Forum, Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and U.N. Special Envoy talks about our future and Climate Change. Robinson stresses the importance of producing women leaders in order to protect ourselves from the future detriments that Climate Change is likely to produce.

It could be a better world- why can’t we get on and do it?

Mary Robinson
Mary Robinson: “The future will be damned if we don’t act now.”

In this interview, she explains that we’re not on course to reduce our environmental impacts. To accomplish it, we’ll need true leadership. In her book Climate Justice, she explains why producing visionary women leaders and dismantling the patriarchy will be pivotal tools in achieving Climate Justice.

In the future, we will either regret how we wasted the opportunity to change the onslaught of human-caused Climate Change that we’d predicted, or we will reminisce proudly about how we achieved great things, namely Climate Justice, through conscientious actions to nurture women leadership across the planet.