Tag: barefoot

Women's Day 2021: This Rural Grandmother Solar Electrified 100 Guatemalan Village Homes
Marta Venavente’s Story on International Women’s Day Marta installs a solar panel for a village home This Women’s Day, and for the rest of 2021, Barefoot College International is celebrating the rural women who become...
Barefoot Youth Ambassadors Launch their First Campaigns
Youth Ambassadors Give Barefoot Young Wings   The Barefoot Youth Ambassador Programme is a pilot program connecting urban youth to rural realities through the work of Barefoot College International and the UN Sustainable Development Goals....
Solar Mamas of Doña Luz: Florentina
Santa Teresa, Belize (…) Florentina lights a fire on the earthen floor of her house. Sitting on a small log sipping my coffee, I watch her making tortillas, the room illuminated only by the fire’s...
How K-luumil X’Ko ’olelo’ob Solar Mamas Reached 1800 Indigenous Women
Where Will Climate Justice Come From? Alika is currently in Tilonia, India as a Solar Mama It is women who are leading the way to global Climate Justice. We firmly stand behind this statement, and...
Islamic Development Bank
Investing in Women is Investing in Sustainability
A Global Responsibility As the gravity of Climate Change becomes globally implicit, governments must respond with realistic efforts to reduce their dependency on unsustainable practises. In the Global South, the regions which are forecast to...
The right tools for women to lead
Enriche is aptly named. Barefoot College Solar Mamas are trained as engineers. They learn critical technical skills to perform an amazing task: Solar electrify their villages and maintain the grid for maximum efficiency. This is...
B. Barefoot Coffee wakes up economic opportunity
Bold taste. Strong impact. With these simple outcomes, B. Barefoot Coffee is creating enterprise opportunities for the rural poor. While still in a prototype phase, coffee production and sales are underway. Coffee grown in Andhra...
Why I Walk Barefoot
In a quiet classroom forty empty chairs await their students. A blackboard, dusty with chalk, takes up one wall; directly opposite a world map flutters in the dry desert breeze from an open window. Sunlight...



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