Tag: Belize

Solar Mamas of Doña Luz: Florentina
Santa Teresa, Belize (…) Florentina lights a fire on the earthen floor of her house. Sitting on a small log sipping my coffee, I watch her making tortillas, the room illuminated only by the fire’s...
Light up the sky on New Year’s Eve
Who doesn’t love a fireworks show?  This year, we would like every colorful explosion to signify a burst of light on behalf of women rising from every corner of the world. On New Year’s Evewe want...
From Tilonia to Santa Teresa: One Woman’s Journey of bringing Solar Energy to her Village
Written by Pooja Choksi A few kilometres off the highway, the asphalt road gives way to a dirt road. I know I’m getting closer now. It is my very last day in Belize and over...



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