Tag: Enriche

Barefoot College is a WISE Award Winner
We are WISE 2020 Award Winners! Barefoot College has just been awarded as one of 6 WISE Award winners for 2020, from among over 600 applicants! We’ve been recognized as an innovative project that addresses...
New Volunteer Position: Women Wellness Developer
We are looking for a passionate, proactive person who can help us in developing an interactive digital health curriculum for rural women.  To download the full Profile click here.   Curriculum Designer Responsibilities:   Researching...
Updates from our Sikkim Training Centre, Part 3
Our Sikkim Trainee group, January 2020   Why We Focus on Women These past few tumultuous months have truly revealed the innate perseverance of women. Our selected trainees are recruited due to their strength of...
We're Taking Action on Menstrual Hygiene Day
Our happy group after a menstrual learning and sharing journey with Enriche   “Periods don’t stop for pandemics!” Each year, we celebrate Menstrual Hygiene Day to share our own efforts to spread awareness and accessibility...
Enriche Bazaar 2020
Story shared with us by our Enriche Barefoot team in Tilonia, Rajasthan.   Bird’s eye view of the Bazaar’s attendees “It takes a village to raise a child” at Barefoot College, it takes many such...
"I Am a Solar Engineer"
So, you’ve heard the term Solar Mama You’ve discovered our newsfeeds, with the stories and events pertaining to the countries Solar Mamas hail from. You’re identifying where they’re following their classes. You love keeping up-to-date...
The right tools for women to lead
Enriche is aptly named. Barefoot College Solar Mamas are trained as engineers. They learn critical technical skills to perform an amazing task: Solar electrify their villages and maintain the grid for maximum efficiency. This is...
Solar Mamas Host Bazaar To Build Enterprise Skills
  On the 4th of January, we organized the first ‘Enriche Bazaar’ where Solar Mamas from 8 countries and 3 Indian states set up stalls to take part in an ‘Exhibition cum Sale’ event. The objective was...
Gov of IndiaCommunicationsSolar
Solar Mamas of Africa to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his visit to Tanzania
Barefoot College International and The Solar Mamas of Africa to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi on visit to Tanzania Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, July 9, 2016 Barefoot College International confirmed today that 32 Solar Mamas...
Enriche: a new kind of viral learning
Lucie Argelies first came to Tilonia during a train journey through India designed to train and inspire a generation of social entrepreneurs. The native of France felt in some ways that she was coming home...



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