Tag: Feminism

Declaration of Women as Leaders Officially Launched
Last week in New York, an assembly of change-makers and figureheads collectively signed an official Declaration, pledging to support the movement toward Climate Justice. Our CEO and Director Meagan Fallone was present for the Women...
Welcome, Country #91: Solar Mamas of Puerto Rico are Graduating
A disaster recovery and energy sustainability project Throughout June and July, 22 rural women from across the island (plus two Solar Mamas from Chile) have come together for an intensive solar energy training in the...
Mary Robinson: "The future will be damned if we don't act now."
Women as Leaders When Ireland’s former President Mary Robinson ran for office, she wanted to show that it wasn’t just possible- it was an advantage to be a woman in an important position. She believed that...
Hogan Lovells
Barefoot College Participates in the Fourth SDG Global Festival of Action
Climate Change ripples into all aspects of our lives. It affects everything from rural livelihoods to urban infrastructure. Understanding the magnitude of its existing and potential consequences becomes a gateway to the perception of how...
"I Am a Solar Engineer"
So, you’ve heard the term Solar Mama You’ve discovered our newsfeeds, with the stories and events pertaining to the countries Solar Mamas hail from. You’re identifying where they’re following their classes. You love keeping up-to-date...
Islamic Development Bank
Investing in Women is Investing in Sustainability
A Global Responsibility As the gravity of Climate Change becomes globally implicit, governments must respond with realistic efforts to reduce their dependency on unsustainable practises. In the Global South, the regions which are forecast to...



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