Tag: Guatemala

Meet Our 2nd Cohort of Indigenous Guatemala Solar Trainees
Due to the success of our first cohort, we progressed our mission to bring renewable energy to Guatemala. Thanks to a major patronage from the Puma Energy Foundation, more Guatemalans will receive solar energy for...
First Solar Cohort at our Guatemalan Training Centre Begins
Training at the Guatemalan Centre Begins We are very pleased to announce that our first solar training on Latin American soil is underway. 11 Indigenous Ixil Maya women from local communities have come together to...
Our 1st Latin American Training Centre is Now Open
Our Newest Centre is Now Training Rural Women We are excited to share that the Guatemala Vocational Training Centre inauguration ceremony was successfully hosted on April 30th, 2022. The centre is located in the remote...
Rural LivelihoodsRegenerative AgricultureSolar
Our Guatemala Training Centre Opens April 30th
A BCI LATAM-Based Staff Member Shares His Story Lawrence facilitates a workshop for the indigenous women trainees Like most mornings, I’m settling into my workday with a fresh cup of our fair trade coffee that...



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