Tag: innovation

Barefoot Youth Ambassadors Launch their First Campaigns
Youth Ambassadors Give Barefoot Young Wings   The Barefoot Youth Ambassador Programme is a pilot program connecting urban youth to rural realities through the work of Barefoot College International and the UN Sustainable Development Goals....
Barefoot College is a WISE Award Winner
We are WISE 2020 Award Winners! Barefoot College has just been awarded as one of 6 WISE Award winners for 2020, from among over 600 applicants! We’ve been recognized as an innovative project that addresses...
Our Global Operations for COVID-19
Our Relief Strategy Package As an established global team of dedicated front-line workers, we have pivoted our resources and efforts towards supporting our long-standing and growing network of grassroots entities on the ground and the beneficiaries...
Natural Dyes Inspire a Greener, more Beautiful Future
There are worlds beyond our knowledge, there are senses surpassing our comprehension. There are emotions sadder than our cry, there are needs bigger than our greed. There are dreams bigger than our ego, there are...



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