Tag: Latin America

Our 1st Latin American Training Centre is Now Open
Our Newest Centre is Now Training Rural Women We are excited to share that the Guatemala Vocational Training Centre inauguration ceremony was successfully hosted on April 30th, 2022. The centre is located in the remote...
Solar Mamas of Doña Luz: Patricia
Pompeya, Ecuador (…) “How will the trip change your life?” “I want to develop a cocoa and coffee project here on the plantation. Soon, a highway will pass by here, on the other side of...
Solar Mamas of Doña Luz: Florentina
Santa Teresa, Belize (…) Florentina lights a fire on the earthen floor of her house. Sitting on a small log sipping my coffee, I watch her making tortillas, the room illuminated only by the fire’s...
Solar Mamas of Doña Luz: Maura and Rosa
Cordoncillo, El Salvador   (…) Inspired by the work of the women she met in India, Maura has created a relatively lucrative daily project for herself since her return. Every day, at five in the...
Solar Mamas of Doña Luz: Estella
Pompeya, Ecuador   (…) “My name is Estella Gutierez, I’m fifty-two-years-old. A friend of the community, Balvina, the director of the Civil Engineering and Environmental Faculty was in contact with Rodrigo Paris, who inquired whether...
The right tools for women to lead
Enriche is aptly named. Barefoot College Solar Mamas are trained as engineers. They learn critical technical skills to perform an amazing task: Solar electrify their villages and maintain the grid for maximum efficiency. This is...



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