Tag: Nepal

Remote Nepal Village Receives 45 Solar Systems
45 More Solar Systems for Rural Nepal Last month, 3 rural Nepalese Solar Mamas assembled and installed an additional 45 solar ☀️ light systems in the Humla region of Nepal. Families in their community were...
Nepal: Newly Released Reports Reveal Benefits of Solar Energy in 2022
3 Nepal Women Provide Light for Remote Villagers Earlier this year, our 3 Solar Mamas installed 220 Solar Home Lighting Systems for families of remote regions in Humla, Nepal. Since then, our Barefoot College International...
Solar Mama Laiku Lama's Story
Brighter Days For a Remote Village In the remote, mountainous village of Bargaun in the Hulma region of Nepal, Solar Mama Laiku Lama has been providing marginalized communities with solar energy. These villages, nestled into...



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