Tag: renewable

Nepal: Newly Released Reports Reveal Benefits of Solar Energy in 2022
3 Nepal Women Provide Light for Remote Villagers Earlier this year, our 3 Solar Mamas installed 220 Solar Home Lighting Systems for families of remote regions in Humla, Nepal. Since then, our Barefoot College International...
Women's Day 2021: This Rural Grandmother Solar Electrified 100 Guatemalan Village Homes
Marta Venavente’s Story on International Women’s Day Marta installs a solar panel for a village home This Women’s Day, and for the rest of 2021, Barefoot College International is celebrating the rural women who become...
Solar Mamas of Doña Luz: Florentina
Santa Teresa, Belize (…) Florentina lights a fire on the earthen floor of her house. Sitting on a small log sipping my coffee, I watch her making tortillas, the room illuminated only by the fire’s...
Solar Mamas of Doña Luz: Norma
Cachimbo, Mexico (…) I find José and his motorboat without a problem. During the hour it takes to cross the inland sea, the sound of the motor drowns out our voices. José fixes his gaze...
Visiting our Solar Mama Alumni - Part 1 of the Barefoot Journey to Indonesia
Visiting Indonesia We are thrilled to work with organizations in beautiful Indonesia, partnering to educate communities about renewable energy and regenerative agriculture both on-site and at our campus in Tilonia, India. Some of our team...



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