Tag: Solar Mama

2nd Cohort of Senegalese Solar Mamas Graduate
10 Senegalese Women Complete Solar Training In the Spring of 2022, 10 Senegalese women graduated as solar engineers, as “Solar Mamas” from our solar engineer and Women Wellness training program. To celebrate the momentous occasion,...
Solar Mama Laiku Lama's Story
Brighter Days For a Remote Village In the remote, mountainous village of Bargaun in the Hulma region of Nepal, Solar Mama Laiku Lama has been providing marginalized communities with solar energy. These villages, nestled into...
Solar Mamas of Doña Luz: Florentina
Santa Teresa, Belize (…) Florentina lights a fire on the earthen floor of her house. Sitting on a small log sipping my coffee, I watch her making tortillas, the room illuminated only by the fire’s...
Solar Mamas of Doña Luz: Norma
Cachimbo, Mexico (…) I find José and his motorboat without a problem. During the hour it takes to cross the inland sea, the sound of the motor drowns out our voices. José fixes his gaze...
Solar Mamas of Doña Luz: Maura and Rosa
Cordoncillo, El Salvador   (…) Inspired by the work of the women she met in India, Maura has created a relatively lucrative daily project for herself since her return. Every day, at five in the...
Solar Mamas of Doña Luz: Estella
Pompeya, Ecuador   (…) “My name is Estella Gutierez, I’m fifty-two-years-old. A friend of the community, Balvina, the director of the Civil Engineering and Environmental Faculty was in contact with Rodrigo Paris, who inquired whether...
Solar Mamas of Doña Luz: Catarina
Pal, Guatemala This morning, we find Catarina beside her hearth. The sun’s rays beam through the cracks in the wooden walls’ planks, slicing the white smoke rising from the fire into dancing ribbons. She is...
Peru Solar Mamas Return Safely to their Communities
Scenes from Puno, where 2 of the trainees’ homes are   An Unexpected Journey. A Sudden Test of Courage. Four indigenous women from Peru traveled to India at the end of February 2020 to be...
An Interview with Mama Patima for Mother's Day
Mothers as Leaders When we train illiterate and semi-illiterate women through our unique Barefoot training programmes, our main objective is not to simply send them home with vital skills and knowledge for self-sufficiency. We trust...
Mamas Build Life-Saving Tippy Taps for Villages in Cameroon
Handwashing Made Easy One of the most efficient sanitary solutions to share with communities is handwashing. It’s been rated as the number one method of mitigating the spread of disease by the WHO. Many people...



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