Tag: Solar Mamas

Great PlainsSolar
Great Plains’ Solar Mammas Set to Light the Way with Solar in Their Rural Villages
Press Release Together, Great Plains and Barefoot College have trained 9 women from Botswana to become Solar Mamas The nine women from rural Botswana left their homes in August last year. They traveled all the...
Proving‌ ‌That‌ ‌‘Dangerous‌ ‌Women’‌ ‌Can‌ ‌Change‌ ‌The‌ ‌World‌ ‌
Women are at the heart of everything we do at Barefoot College. We are an organisation that champions the unerring spirit, potential, and power that women have when they are given the tools and skills...
The Panorama of Solar-Powered Vision
When Solar-Powered electricity is given to the rural poor, the effects are manifold, like being able to see outside the open door to an entire landscape when before there was just the keyhole available. Video...
Zanzibar Mamas Alight with Solar Engineering Graduation
Our Proud Beekeeper Mamas Last week, our Zanzibar Solar Training Centre congratulated its current group of Solar Mamas on successfully completing their 5-month training programs. This is the third batch of Mamas that have graduated...
Light up the sky on New Year’s Eve
Who doesn’t love a fireworks show?  This year, we would like every colorful explosion to signify a burst of light on behalf of women rising from every corner of the world. On New Year’s Evewe want...
In her recent TedTalk, our CEO Meagan Fallone explains why, it could be illiterate and semi-illiterate women, coming from the poorest rural villages, whose #AdaptiveIntelligence makes them ideal to spearhead the upcoming global technology surge.  ...
Madagascar Grandmas Are Solar Revolutionaries
Not having access to electricity, life in Ambakivao, Madagascar was dark. A group of grandmothers decided to change that, bringing light to their community by becoming the village’s first solar engineers. With the help of...



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