Tag: Sustainability

Nepal: Newly Released Reports Reveal Benefits of Solar Energy in 2022
3 Nepal Women Provide Light for Remote Villagers Earlier this year, our 3 Solar Mamas installed 220 Solar Home Lighting Systems for families of remote regions in Humla, Nepal. Since then, our Barefoot College International...
2nd Cohort of Senegalese Solar Mamas Graduate
10 Senegalese Women Complete Solar Training In the Spring of 2022, 10 Senegalese women graduated as solar engineers, as “Solar Mamas” from our solar engineer and Women Wellness training program. To celebrate the momentous occasion,...
Solar Mamas of Doña Luz: Estella
Pompeya, Ecuador   (…) “My name is Estella Gutierez, I’m fifty-two-years-old. A friend of the community, Balvina, the director of the Civil Engineering and Environmental Faculty was in contact with Rodrigo Paris, who inquired whether...
Solar Mamas of Doña Luz: Catarina
Pal, Guatemala This morning, we find Catarina beside her hearth. The sun’s rays beam through the cracks in the wooden walls’ planks, slicing the white smoke rising from the fire into dancing ribbons. She is...
Barefoot College is a WISE Award Winner
We are WISE 2020 Award Winners! Barefoot College has just been awarded as one of 6 WISE Award winners for 2020, from among over 600 applicants! We’ve been recognized as an innovative project that addresses...
Barefoot College Creates Portable Solar Sales Containers
Universal Marketing as we Expand As our Solar Enterprise continues to grow, we’re focusing more on branding and visibility to strengthen our team and outreach. We have created a Centralized Marketing System so that a...
Peru Solar Mamas Return Safely to their Communities
Scenes from Puno, where 2 of the trainees’ homes are   An Unexpected Journey. A Sudden Test of Courage. Four indigenous women from Peru traveled to India at the end of February 2020 to be...
Updates from our Sikkim Training Centre, Part 2
Staying Busy and Healthy During lockdown due to COVID-19, our SWRC Sikkim centre was determined to keep trainees feeling safe, healthy and engaged in a number of projects that took place on campus. The extra...
Updates from our Sikkim Training Centre, Part 1
Plenty of Action at the Sikkim Training Centre   Our recent report from SWRC Saddam, Sikkim training campus shared a slew of recent news with the Barefoot College family. Classes began in early 2020, and...
Celebrating Tea Farmers and Solar Energy on Iced Tea Day
Wonderful, Fabulous Tea The smell of fresh, organic tea leaves on the lush, verdant Assamese Hathlikuli Tea Estate is intoxicating. Teas from Assam are world-renowned products that tea enthusiasts will pay top dollar to sip...



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